Mr. Sadashiv Nimbalkar
Senior Thematic Programme Executive
BAIF Development Research Foundation
Central Research Station, Urulikanchan, Pune
Email: sadashiv.nimbalkar@baif.org.in
Mobile: +91 8600481885
Work Experience: 31 years in Corporate and NGO
Association: Working as Senior Thematic Programme Executive-BAIF, an Indian NGO working for rural livelihood through sustainable management of natural resources for last 55 years with a spread of its work in 12 Indian states, 93738 villages covering over 3.13 million rural poor families.
Academic: Graduated BSc forestry, from University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad 1993, MSc Environmental Science, Kuvempu University 2005, Post Graduate Diploma in Ecology & Environment (PGDEE), Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment, New Delhi. Post Graduate Programme in Development Management (PDPDM), S P Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai, 2013 and PhD Scholar from Savitribai Pule University, Pune 2022.
Significant Contributions: Working in the capacity of thematic research coordinator, advisor and facilitator for bringing the lab research into field. Involved in research activities in the field of Agriculture, Forestry and Climate change, mitigation, resilience and carbon sequestration. More than 20 years, put an effort to conserve biodiversity including Medicinal plants, Non Timber Forest species, endemic and rare plants species belongs to Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra.
Involved in research in carbon sequestration, Soil organic management, Biochar, agri waste management, promotion and validation of traditional medicine ie. Ethno Veterinary Practices and house hold tradition medicine with Government, milk unions, NGOs, and farmers groups in Karnataka and Maharashtra. Trained near about three thousand personals including officials from government and private sector, Farmers, Women groups, young youths on conservation and utilization of medicinal plants resources. External monitor and evaluator, capacity building of professionals involved in rural development, guiding research methodology and developing research concept notes are the continues effort.
Developed methodology and techniques for candidate tree selection, tree plantation models, grafting technologies for various hardwood forest species and soil carbon sequestration practices.
Served as Project leader, Principle Investigator and in charge in various national and international projects DST, DBT, European Union (EU), NDDB, DANIDA, GAA, CEE, NMPB, Giz, FAO, Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Govt. & CSR projects.
Awards:3 best scientific papers and case studies.
Research papers: 26 scientific papers published in national and international journal, 9 research paper presented and 5 poster at national and internal workshops
Books: 5 books related conservation and medicinal usage of plants, NTFP, Azoalla, , 1 nursery raising, User guides: 2 user guide on Ethno Veterinary medicine in Marathi and English, Biochar, 1 Candidate Tree catalogue of NTFP