1. The A Frame
Explains the concept of a simple device which can be used even by an illiterate farmer for marking contour lines on sloping land. 14 min, English, Hindi and Marathi, Rs. 100

2. Nursery Raising
Highlights nursery techniques and management. 20 minutes, English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati, Rs. 100

3. Grafting
Highlights techniques of Mango grafting. 19 min, English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati, Rs. 100

4. Aftercare
Aftercare and maintenance of mango orchards. 15 min, English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati, Rs. 100

5. Wadi ho to aisi (Hindi); Marathi 40 min each
This trilogy describes a typical wadi – its selection, soil and water conservation measures, planting and aftercare of fruit trees, management of wadi. Rs. 100

6. A model house (Ghar asava asa)
Trilogy with focus is on energy saving devices and better ventilation inside rural houses for improved quality of life. 25 min, Marathi

This video film covers efficient technologies using simple engineering solutions for tribal upliftment. 30 min, English

8. Shikshanmitracha dhyas, Shikshanatun Gram Vikas
A film which highlights the involvement of tribal children in community initiatives though school based programmes. 25 min, Marathi

9. Sustainable Livelihood through holistic development of livestock
A film on the potential of livestock development for holistic development of rural communities in Akole, Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra. 6 min, English and Hindi, Rs. 100

10. Value Chain on Linseed
7 min, English, Hindi, Rs. 100

11. Value Chain for Tasar Sericulture
Focus on the tasar sericulture programme launched in Gadchiroli district, Maharashtra for holistic development. 6 min, English and Hindi, Rs. 100

12. A Success story of Mandane cluster
Initiative for sustainable livelihood in Nandurbar district of Maharashtra. 9 min, English and Hindi, Rs. 100

13. Yashaswini
Film on training centre for socially challenged women with focus on skills development and scope for livelihood. 15 min, Marathi