

Total Districts including 61 Aspirational Districts


Million families

Programmes and Impact

Livestock-based Livelihoods and Enteric Methane Emission Reduction

33,95,933 (cum. 77,30,028) families from 99,452 villages in 13 states have improved their livelihood; Methane emission reduced by 17 to 20 %


Water-centric Livelihoods and Land Degradation Neutrality

14,592 (cum. 386,701) ha; 19,478 (cum. 303,938) families in 381 (cum. 1894) villages in 14 states; Estimated carbon sequestered / offset: 14,592 tCO2e during the year 2023-24 (cum. 386,701 tCO2e)

Agri-Horti-Forestry (Wadi) for Carbon Sequestration and Livelihoods of small and marginal farmers

4239 (cum. 93,375) ha; 10,598 (cum. 233,438) tribal and poor families; 472 (cum. 7381) villages from 13 states; Carbon sequestered: 2.1 million tons

Rural Non-Farm Sector-based Livelihoods

13,515 families from 12 states; 882 Rural Entrepreneurs


Samruddha Gram

Convergence of mainstream programmes for holistic development of 13,047 families (cum. 25,512 since 2020) from 89 villages of 10 states

Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Climate-Smart Agriculture

20,176 vulnerable households; 135 villages in 5 States; Climate-Resilient and Smart Agriculture; Climate proofing interventions

Agrobiodiversity Conservation

4000 tribal farmers from Maharashtra, Gujarat and Odisha engaged in conservation, seed production and upscaling of worthy landraces through seed saver groups

Renewable Energy

Estimated emission reduction by more than 2030 IRESA units is 8124 t. CO2 e. per year; Emission reduction potential of fractional solar pumps:11.25 kg CO2 e. / day / hp.


Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation

Disaster Management is a very important programme of BAIF. BAIF has instituted a Disaster Management Fund to provide immediate relief measures to families affected by various natural calamities in its operational areas across the country.

Health and Nutrition

163,517 households have access to safe drinking water, improved nutrition and a cleaner environment through suitable WASH initiatives in 9 states

Women-centric Development

2486 SHGs with  24,860 women members in 10 states; Changemakers in Agriculture

Capacity Building

127,465 farmers trained in Livestock Development, NRM and Farm-based Livelihoods

Information and Communications Technology

200,000 farmers accessed information; 110 eDosts; More than 60 online e-learning modules on LMS platform


Formal and non-formal educational initiatives in tribal regions; Functional literacy in Bundelkhand region and Smart School Programme; for 23,885 children from 292 school in 10 states were benefited during the year 2023-24.

Farmer Organisations

40,000 wadi farmers and 56 producer organisations; In 7 states 51 NABARD-empanelled organisations; 5 cluster-level FPOs; 82 Agri Business Centres; 2 Cattle Breeders Welfare Associations

Global Affiliations

parallax effect

Significant Events

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BAIF Vision 2030

We aim at bringing positive change in the lives of 10 million rural families belonging to economically weaker sections of the society, from present level of 4.0 million families, through resilient and sustainable means of livelihoods, improved quality of life, while contributing to the national and global sustainable development goals of climate action, gender equity, clean drinking water and overall ecosystem well-being.

The strategy for achieving the goals will be empowerment and skilling of the local people, building social capital and collaborations with national and international science and technology institutions.


1. Climate Smart and Sustainable Natural Resource Management

Land degradation neutrality, Integrated ecosystem services, Region-specific approaches to manage the resources, Renewable and clean energy, Climate change mitigation, Application of digital technology in field programmes

2. Climate Smart Agriculture for Rural Livelihoods

Improvement in farm returns, Ensure food and nutritional security of the resource poor families, Adoption of agro ecological approaches, Promotion of agro-biodiversity, Promotion of value chains around the crops

3.Genomic Selection-based Climate Resilient Livestock Management

Region-specific genomic selection and breeding, Promotion of indigenous breeds, Promotion of mixed farming systems, Precision and smart dairy farms, Stress -resistant high yielding forage crops, Climate smart practices and pastoral systems, Market linkages

4. Women-centric Development

Women leadership and entrepreneurship, Drudgery reduction in agricultural operations through mechanization, Women reproductive health and hygiene and child care

5. Water, Sanitation and Health

Personal and community health and hygiene, Access to clean drinking water, Access to sanitation facilities, Strengthening traditional health practices in remote tribal areas, Preventive community health care

6. Rural Non-Farm Sector Livelihoods

Skilling youth in non-farm vocations, Promoting rural enterprises, Promoting digital application

7. Education

Functional literacy, especially of women, School infrastructure and facilities in remote areas, Skilling the students in rural vocations and farming

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