Growth and yield assessment of different B x N Hybrids under South Gujarat climatic conditions:
The study comprising of 8 B x N hybrids – two each from BAIF, Urulikanchan, MPKV, Rahuri, UAS Dharwad and TNAU, Coimbatore was conducted at KVK Chaswad. The initial findings showed that BNH-11 and Phule Gunwant performed better in terms of plant height, average number of tillers and yield characters. The highest leaf:stem ratio was recorded in BNH-11.

Performance of mango varieties grafted on Israel rootstock for salt tolerance characteristics in semi-arid conditions of Central Gujarat:
To assess the growth performance, yield parameters and salt tolerance capacity of Kesar, Rajapuri, Alphanso, Dasheri and Langra varieties of mango as scion grafted on Polyembryonic Israel mango rootstock, a trial is being conducted at Nanodara under saline soil condition.

Effect of Hydrogel on growth and yield of Wheat in saline soils of Jambusar block of Bharuch district:
Due to abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity and rising temperature, irrigation water is becoming scarce. Keeping these challenges in mind, field trials were conducted on farmer’s field in Jambusar, Bharuch district with application of hydrogel @5 kg/ha in GW-496 and KRL-210 varieties of wheat. The results showed increased grain yield in the range of 8-10% with reduction in the number of irrigations due to application of Hydrogel. Higher yield was obtained from salt tolerant variety KRL-210 compared to GW-496 variety in salt-affected soils.

Effect of green manuring in Paddy in West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh:
As farmers generally depend on chemical fertilizers for paddy cultivation, “Navadhanya” (Green gram, Black gram, horse gram, cowpea, sunhemp, Sesbania rostata, jowar, Ragi and Bajra) green manuring was promoted prior to transplantation. The study compared the effect of Navadhanya manuring in paddy with sunhemp and Dhaincha green manured crops and revealed that the Dhaincha treated plot yielded 70.10 q/ha biomass and a grain yield of 65.62 q/ha with a net return of Rs. 51,164/ha with B:C ratio (B:CR) of 1.62 followed by sunhemp (B:CR-1.54), Navdhanya (B:CR-1.50) and control (B:CR 1.32).

Standardization of propagation technique for Mini Apple Tree:
Twelve different treatments were included with two grafting techniques (cleft and tongue) on three root stocks (M-9, M-111 and M-26) with Sunlight and Moonlight varieties in the study undertaken at Champawat in Uttarakhand. Good growth was observed in M-9 root stock with tongue grafting having a good percentage of survival.
New Generation Mini Apple Plantation

Evaluation of Sorghum diversity in Jawhar and Akole, Maharashtra:
Six accessions of sorghum were collected from Jawhar and Akole blocks and evaluated for morphological and nutritional (grain and fodder) parameters. The results indicated 110-130 days for 50% flowering and 306.2-421.6 cm plant height at maturity.

Performance of Lemon grass in Jawhar block of Palghar district:
This study, initiated to understand economics and varietal performance of Krishna and OD 19 varieties of Lemon grass, revealed plant height of 135.5 cm and 150.5 cm and biomass yield of 29.4 q/ha and 37.2 q/ha for OD 19 and Krishna varieties respectively at second cutting.
The study aimed at identifying prevalence of tick-borne haemoprotozoan diseases in suspected dairy animals. 1854 blood samples were collected from 161 villages and screened using Giemsa and Field staining. The Theileria sp recorded the highest occurrence (66.16%). The infection was higher in Jersey breed above two years of age and occurred during monsoon.

Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasite infestation in ruminants in Ahmednagar District:
Out of 809 fecal samples examined, 363 samples were positive for helminth infection of gastrointestinal parasite with summer season recording the highest incidence (54.60%) followed by monsoon (51.85%) and winter season (28.95%). Prevalence of helminth parasites in goats i.e e/ is Coccidia spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. were 46.66% and 6.6% respectively.