(Holistic Village Development)
- Convergence of on-going mainstream programmes for holistic development with on-going Government Schemes
- Community prosperity
- Livelihood opportunity
- Participatory Village Development Planning and Project Design
4391 families during the year (12465 cum. since 2020 – starting year) from 53 villages during the year (cum. 132 since 2020) in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Andhra Pradesh
- Community development initiatives
- Convergence and leverage of Government schemes
- Cattle and small ruminants development
- Natural resources management
- Clean homes and villages
- Skill-based livelihood
- Improved agriculture
- Water resources development
- Renewable energy and rural innovations
- Infrastructure development
- Climate-smart agriculture and Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
- Women empowerment, improved health and nutrition through kitchen gardens
- School-based interventions

- Assessment of local problems and opportunities
- Augmentation and use of resources available with households
- Adoption of relevant technologies
- Family, area and group-based
- Training and Capacity building of Panchayat and village level groups
- Partnerships forged with relevant stakeholders

- 53 Holistic Villages developed
- People’s initiatives
- Improved income and quality of life
- Improved social security for women
- On-going Government welfare schemes tapped