Feb. 24, 2023
With a view to encourage dairy farmers in Bundelkhand region to raise milch breeds for better milk yield and profitability, BAIF organised a calf rally and competition of milking animals at Naadin Kurmiyan village in Chitrakoot district of Uttar Pradesh. The events received a very encouraging response from farmers from surrounding villages and more than 100 dairy animals participated in the calf rally and milking competition event. The animals bred with BAIF-facilitated Artificial Insemination (AI) technique, underwent a milking recording assessment based on the evaluation conducted by a milk recording committee comprising of senior state dairy officials from Chitrakoot district. During this evaluation, a Sahiwal breed recorded 9 litres of milk in one milking time. This impressive record which has been brought about by BAIF effort, was appreciated by all the farmers and district officials present on the occasion and expressed that such was the impact of this programme, that a milk yield of 17-18 litres a day was also possible from improved dairy animals bred by farmers in Bundelkhand region. They encouraged the dairy farmers to rear such improved breeds with better milk yield and income prospects. The programme was organised with the good support of Additional Director, Deputy Director and other senior district-level Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development officials.