Republic Day Celebrated at BAIF

Republic Day Celebrated at BAIF

January 26, 2025: Republic Day, a day of introspection, was celebrated by BAIF at its Head Office in Pune as well as in all its operational states. In Pune, after the ceremonial guard of honour, Mr. Shrinivas Kulkarni, Group Vice President, Finance, hoisted the flag. He urged the BAIF team to respond to emerging development opportunities in general and Maharashtra in particular and highlighted the scope for sustainability and development through CSR blended with a sound value system and well-being of employees. Dr. Avinash Deo, Programme Organiser, highlighted the need to focus on climate change and mitigation as changing climate has repercussions on livestock, agriculture and horticulture development. Ms. Sucharita Dhar, Senior Manager – Information and Communication, highlighted the technological advancement in the country starting with the first space mission and the transition from traditional communication channels to digital media. Mr. Rakesh Shinde, Senior Human Resources Manager, highlighted the inherent values of equality, liberty and independence enshrined in the Indian Constitution, in BAIF Programmes. Mr. Chetan Dubey, Associate Programme Manager – CSR, emphasised on the theme of the 76th Republic Day – Swarnim Bharat – Virasat aur Vikas. Ms. Sujata Kangude, Thematic Programme Executive – Women & Development while compering the event, also reiterated the need to focus on empowerment of women in all the programmes. Ms. Sharmila Jadhav, Senior Administration Officer, BAIF proposed the vote of thanks.

Republic Day was also celebrated with pride at other operational areas of BAIF. In Nashik, Maharashtra, the flag was hoisted by Dr Raviraj Jadhav Jadhav, Regional Director, West; in Sambalpur, Odisha by Mr. Rakesh Warrier, Regional Director, East; in Ranchi, Jharkhand, by Shri. Dharmendra Tiwari, State Head and in Patna, Bihar by Mr. Sanjeet Sinha and the state team. In Karnataka, Mr. Malathesha Kulkarni, State Head, chaired the Republic Day celebration at the Head Office in Tiptur. Celebrations were also organised at the Lakkihalli campus, Dharwad Regional Office and Grama Chetana Training Centre, Surashettikoppa. Republic Day was celebrated under the Digital Sakhi Project in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar with interactive events such as Rangoli and drawing competitions evoking tremendous enthusiasm among children.

National Gopal Ratna Award for BAIF Livestock Technician

National Gopal Ratna Award for BAIF Livestock Technician

BAIF Livestock Technician, Sri. Bhaskar Padhan, is the proud recipient of the prestigious National Gopal Ratna Award for “Best Artificial Insemination Technician” for the year 2024. This award, instituted by the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India, is a recognition of his excellent service to the rural community through efficient breeding and advisory services at their doorsteps, resulting in improved herd productivity, milk yield and enhanced income for the families.

With a background in Arts, Mr. Bhaskar Padhan, an Artificial Insemination (AI) Technician from Kanpur village, Ulunda block of Sonepur district of Odisha, took up farming as an occupation. The turning point in his life came in 2011 when he joined the BAIF Livestock Development Programme as a self-employed youth (SEY) with the S. Mahada Cattle Development Centre. Since then, Bhaskar has been providing breeding services to 1500 to 2000 families in 32 villages within a radius of 8 to 10 km. With adoption of cutting edge technologies such as sex sorted semen, genomic evolution and goat AI, he has improved the herd productivity as well as income of livestock keepers. His significant achievements include conducting 26,800 cattle AIs recording birth of 11,200 calves and performing 2,800 Sorted Semen (SS) inseminations which have resulted in the production of 1,120 calves.

Bhaskar has been making news for a long time with ”Best AI Technician Award” by the Animal Resources Development Department in 2021, “Best Dairy Farmer Award” for Sonepur district by the F&ARD Department in 2011 and multiple state-level recognitions by BAIF, including first position in Conventional Semen (2017) and second position in Sorted Semen (2017). Bhaskar has been constantly upgrading his skills through various training programmes conducted by BAIF and The Odisha State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited (OMFED).

With this national recognition, Bhaskar’s dedicated services have transformed the lives of countless farmers and also brought glory to BAIF Odisha for the third consecutive time. He is a role model for livestock technicians across Odisha as well as in the country.

BAIF Participation in UN Convention on Biological Diversity

BAIF Participation in UN Convention on Biological Diversity

BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune, an accredited Observer Organization of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD), participated in the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) in Cali, Colombia from October 22 to 26, 2024.

BAIF Representatives Mr. Pramodkumar Takawale and Mr. Sudhir Wagle were invited to attend side events on mitigating the agricultural drivers of biodiversity loss, leveraging nature positive agriculture to achieve sustainable food system and meet multiple GBF targets and making the case for ecological benefits: community language for nature positive solutions. They highlighted BAIF’s native crop diversity conservation in conjunction with livelihood enhancement models of livestock development, climate-resilient agri-horti-forestry water-centric land degradation neutrality initiatives and promotion of rural enterprises, green and renewable energy for achieving sustainable and resilient agri-food systems. They also shared BAIF’s collaborative project for implementing Nature Positive Solutions in Maharashtra state of India in collaboration with the Alliance Bioversity and CIAT, other CGIAR partners. BAIF elaborated various Nature-based Solutions adopted by it to conserve, manage, restore and recycle with focus on six “C” approaches of agrobiodiversity, integration of livestock in farming system for sustainability, circularity, livelihood, climate resilience and building ecosystems.

The thematic discussions organised by CGIAR focussed on the benefits of adopting nature-positive agriculture for achieving the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), adapted to local conditions and cultures and the challenges and opportunities for scaling up these approaches across regions. The participating organisations unanimously agreed that global challenges posed by industrial agriculture had put to risk the nutrition and livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers and that it was only nature-positive approaches leveraging traditional knowledge and innovative technologies and practices which could restore the health of the ecosystem, build resilience against climate change and conserve biodiversity. It was evident from the presentations at COP16 that community-based solutions for nature and climate action by indigenous people and local communities have been leading efforts in agrobiodiversity conservation in various countries. A discussion on multilateral collaboration for a regional biodiversity conservation was also focussed on.

BAIF delegation engaged in discussions with representatives of several global programmes and donor agencies that will help expand our pro-livelihood and climate action programmes while protecting the precious biodiversity of the country.

BAIF awarded National Water Award

BAIF awarded National Water Award

Oct 22, 2024: Hon. President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu conferred the 5th National Water Awards 2023 for “Best Civil Society” on BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune today at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.  The award was received by Dr. Bharat Kakade, President and Managing Trustee of BAIF and Mr. Waman Kulkarni, Chief Thematic Programme Executive – Natural Resources Management and Climate Action, BAIF in the presence of Shri. C.R. Paatil, Hon. Minister for Jal Shakti, Shri. V. Somanna, Hon. Minister of State for Jal Shakti & Railways and Shri. Raj Bhushan Choudhary, Hon. Minister of State for Jal Shakti.

The award announced by the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India included 38 winners in 9 categories i.e. Best State, District, Village Panchayat, Urban Local Body, School or College, Industry, Water User Association, Institution (other than school or college) and Civil Society for water conservation and management.

BAIF has transformed the lives of 16,970 families from 115 villages of 12 states by promoting diversion-based irrigation and smart irrigation practices on 7816 hectares, construction of 3547 water conservation structures for drinking water and irrigation of rural catchment areas, 299 traditional rain water harvesting structures such as Tankas and Agors in arid regions to benefit 4485 families.

Resolving drinking water scarcity in Surgana, Nashik district, adoption of water positive village approach on 5000 hectares in Nashik and Satara districts, solar irrigation systems to benefit 1068 families and minimise carbon footprint in Maharashtra, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Gujarat, water stewardship programmes for sustainable river basin and micro-watershed management in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Uttarakhand, roof top rain water diverted into defunct hand pumps to recharge the ground water in Uttar Pradesh and roof top water harvesting in schools in Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan were the other achievements.

The selection process included acceptance of the proposal, presentation, verification and impact assessment by the evaluation team from Central Water Commission and Central Ground Water Board.

We thank Water Resource and Watershed Departments of State Governments of all our operational states, Corporate Partners and Communities for their contributions and support in BAIF’s endeavour of Water for All.

BAIF-developed livestock chip launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi

BAIF-developed livestock chip launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Oct 05, 2024: Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi launched the ‘Unified Genomic Chip’ – ‘Gau’ chip for cattle and ‘Mahish’ chip for buffaloes at Pohara Devi, Washim, Maharashtra, thereby heralding a major breakthrough in dairy farming in the country.

These SNP chips designed for genomic profiling and evaluation of Indian cattle breeds, have been developed by a consortium comprising of BAIF Development Research Foundation, National Institute of Animal Biotechnology and the ICAR-National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources and led by the National Dairy Development Board. Each participating organization pooled their genome sequence and genotype data to facilitate the development of these genomic techniques. This advanced technology has enabled the direct application of DNA technologies to enhance the genetic potential of diverse dairy animal populations in the country. These chips will help farmers to identify young, superior quality bulls at an early age for selection and boost livestock productivity.

BAIF Development Research Foundation is working in rural development at Pan-India level for more than 57 years with special focus on genetic improvement, health care and systematic herd management practices.

Swaran Sutlej Project launched by Nutricia International Private Limited (Danone) and BAIF in Punjab

Swaran Sutlej Project launched by Nutricia International Private Limited (Danone) and BAIF in Punjab

Sept. 27, 2024 : Global food nutrition giant – Nutricia International Private Limited (Danone) and BAIF Development Research Foundation announced a three-year programme to train about 5,000 smallholder dairy farmers from 100 villages of Ludhiana, Moga, Ferozpur, Faridkot, Barnala, Bhatinda, Sangrur and Mansa districts of Punjab through a network of 70 milk collection centres in Punjab. The farmer development programme will focus on animal health, manure management, livestock management and community engagement.

At the launching ceremony organised by Danone and BAIF in Chandigarh, Antoine de Saint-Affrique, CEO, Danone said, “India is an important growth market for Danone. We are committed to building inclusive growth for all our farming partners and local manufacturing. This programme is in line with Danone’s longstanding support for our local farmer communities in India. At Danone, we have always believed that we cannot succeed without our farmer partners and must work closely with them to create shared value.”

Vikram Agarwal, Chief Operations Officer, Danone, said, “We source specialised nutrition grade milk from over 5,000 small dairy farmers across 100 villages near our Lalru plant. Our partnership is about expansion through inclusive growth and will be pivotal in supporting our farmer partners improve both yields and livelihoods while increasing volumes of high-quality milk available for Danone as we continue to invest in increased capacity at the plant. Together, we are driving mutual growth for a brighter future”.

Dr. Bharat Kakade, President and Managing Trustee, BAIF, said, “We are happy to work with the farmers of Punjab to address major challenges in the Indian Dairy Sector such as low productivity of animals, poor quality milk production and shortage of fodder and in particular, green fodder. BAIF’s dairy development programme is in maximum number of districts in the country and during the year 2023-24, BAIF was able to reach out to 33,95,933 families from 99,452 villages in 343 districts of 13 states. BAIF will be bringing its OPU-IVF & ET technology and improved fodder varieties released by ICAR, to Punjab. BAIF’s past experience of working with the farmers of Punjab will help to provide need-based services to them. I am grateful to Danone leadership team for their trust in BAIF to improve the livelihood of farmers in Punjab”.

On this occasion, a MoU was signed between Dr. Kakade and Mr. Shashi Ranjan, Managing Director, Danone India in the presence of Antoine de Saint-Affrique, CEO, Danone, Mr. Vikram Agarwal, Chief Operations Officer, Christian Stammkoetter, President, Danone for Asia, Middle East and Africa and Mr. Arjun Bhowmick, Vice President, Operations, Danone for Asia, Middle East and Africa, Mr. V.B. Dyasa, BAIF Regional Director – North and Mr. Sandip Yadav, State Head, Uttarakhand.

BAIF and NIAB Collaborative Research on Animal Biotechnology

BAIF and NIAB Collaborative Research on Animal Biotechnology

Sep 19, 2024: BAIF Development Research Foundation, an organisation working at Pan-India level in rural development, with special focus on genetic improvement, health care and systematic herd management practices for improving the productivity of Indian Dairy Livestock, signed a MoU with the National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB). NIAB is an autonomous research organisation affiliated to the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. The MOU was signed between Dr. Bharat Kakade, President and Managing Trustee, BAIF and Dr. G. Taru Sharma, Director, NIAB in Hyderabad for collaborative research in livestock genomics and reproductive biotechnology. This collaborative effort will be in huge sync with the BioE3 Policy recently announced by the Union Cabinet.

BAIF and NAIB are already engaged in a collaborative project on Livestock chip development in association with National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). On this occasion, Dr. G. Taru Sharma, stated, “NIAB, Hyderabad earlier in 2021, developed the world’s largest and India’s first HD chip for indigenous cattle. Now, the combined data of NIAB chip and NDDB-BAIF chip could lead to the generation of LD chip”.

Dr. Bharat Kakade, stated, “With this collaboration, the strength of BAIF in applied research and large scale field programme outreach and NIAB’s capability in basic research in animal biotechnology have paved the way to jointly work on many problems in animal health, productivity and reproduction and come out with appropriate solutions for the benefit of dairy farmers”.

The MoU focuses on Inter-Institutional centres on thematic areas to promote interdisciplinary research while addressing challenges in Animal Biology and Biotechnology. With shared resources and expertise, BAIF and NIAB will design and implement programmes aimed at innovative solutions, scientific progress and positive societal impact and their dissemination among communities, policy makers and industry through lectures, workshops and contact programmes organised at the national and international levels.

This collaborative partnership will be governed by a Research Advisory Committee led by the Heads of NIAB and BAIF, which will also comprise of experts on livestock genomics and biotechnology.

BAIF-Tata Chemicals MoU to boost Rural Development and Green Solutions

BAIF-Tata Chemicals MoU to boost Rural Development and Green Solutions

Sep 03, 2024: A MoU was signed between BAIF Development Research Foundation and Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL) to advance the production of Spineless Cactus and Hybrid Napier, as a part of its effort to drive sustainable agricultural solutions.

The MoU signed between Dr. Bharat Kakade, President and Managing Trustee of BAIF and Dr. Richard Lobo, Head of Innovation and R&D, Tata Chemicals at the Head Office of BAIF in Pune, aims at leveraging BAIF’s expertise in agricultural practices, climate-smart farming and agro-biodiversity conservation along with the strength of Tata Chemicals in advanced materials, agrochemistry and biosciences.

“Tata Chemicals and BAIF are committed to enhancing the welfare of farmers through the development of Spineless Cactus and Hybrid Napier, which hold significant potential for bio-energy, fodder, and other bio-based products,” said Dr. Lobo.

Dr. Kakade, stated, “This partnership will introduce climate-smart technologies to benefit rural communities and support Tata Chemicals’ agri-tech initiatives aimed at improving rural livelihoods”.

The initiative is set to focus on scaling up the production of these crops, with an emphasis on benefiting farmers and developing innovative bio-energy and bio-based products bio-leather.

58th Foundation Day of BAIF celebrated

58th Foundation Day of BAIF celebrated

Aug 24, 2024: The 58th Foundation Day of BAIF was celebrated by BAIF Offices in all the operational areas in 15 states on August 24 with pride and joy.

The Foundation Day of BAIF was celebrated at BAIF Central Research Station at Urulikanchan, Pune, on August 26. The Chief Guest, Dr. Alfred De Vris, Senior Programme Officer, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA, expressed his appreciation for the large number of smallholder farmers, community leaders and women self help group members associated with BAIF, being recognized by BAIF and the changes in the lives of millions of farmers. He traced his association with BAIF to the International Conference on “Livestock Genomics” held during the Golden Jubilee year of BAIF. He felt that while BAIF has made good use of genetics and other resources from other countries, most of the research and development can be undertaken by BAIF’s internal teams itself as they have the necessary expertise and facilities..

Dr. Bharat Kakade, President and Managing Trustee, BAIF, highlighted the efforts of BAIF in adoption of a circular economy with focus on agricultural waste management and biomass production and stated that energy farming will be the future of the country apart from food security and livelihood. He highlighted the partnerships with the Government of India, State Governments, public and private sector undertakings and philanthropic foundations. The strength of BAIF lay in the three campuses at Urulikanchan – the Central Research Station with its focus on livestock and agriculture, the Sexed Sorted semen technology Station and the Rural Innovation Centre.

On this occasion, awards were given to the best Self Help Groups associated with BAIF Programmes, Dairy Farmers, meritorious children of BAIF staff and to BAIF staff for Best Scientific Papers and Best Case Studies. The meritorious students of Dr. Manibhai Desai Navchetana Madhyamik School at Chondha in South Gujarat were also felicitated on this occasion. Start-up Organisations – Five F Agroecology LLP and Areete Business Solutions who have recently collaborated with BAIF, were also recognized on this occasion.

Earlier, Dr. Ashok Pande, Senior Adviser, Scientific Research and Livestock Development, BAIF, welcomed the dignitaries, BAIF staff, village leaders and functionaries, partner organisations, programme participants and well-wishers of BAIF. Dr. Jayant Khadse, Vice President, Livestock Development and Scientific Research, proposed the vote of thanks.

Bamboo for a Green Economy

Bamboo for a Green Economy

May 27, 2024: There is a need to promote bamboo-based rural enterprises to generate employment in villages, stated Dr. Anil Kakodkar, former Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission of India and presently, Trustee of BAIF Development Research Foundation and Chairman, Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission (RGSTC), Government of Maharashtra. Dr. Kakodkar was delivering the Keynote Address at the Round Table meeting on “Bamboo for a Green Economy: Pathways and Technologies for Bamboo Usage” organised by RGSTC in collaboration with BAIF and Maharashtra Bamboo Promotion Foundation in Pune. There is also a need to bridge the gap between industrial demand and actual production of bamboo and for innovative technological adoption by farmers, artisans and industries, Dr. Kakodkar added.

Dr. Bharat Kakade, President and Managing Trustee, BAIF stated that with its footprint in 100,000 villages of 15 states of India and reaching out to 40 lakh families in 337 districts, BAIF has been engaged in bamboo germplasm conservation, standardisation as well as establishment as one of the border crops under the agro-horti-forestry (wadi) programme, promotion of bamboo-based polyhouses in Himalayan terrain sustaining harsh climate and high wind velocity, for onion storage and for reinforcement of water tanks. There is scope for villagers to earn income from carbon credits, he added. Dr. Narendra Shah, Member Secretary, RGSTC, highlighted the strategies adopted by RGSTC including the Collaborative Projects between Institutions and Industries for Technology Development/Adoption (CPIITA) scheme. Mr. V. Giriraj, IAS (Retd.) and Chairman, Maharashtra Bamboo Promotion Foundation expressed the need to develop a package of practices for bamboo, ensure its fair price in the competitive market and to include a sustainability module on bamboo in educational institutes. Mr. Girish Sohani, Principal Adviser and Trustee, BAIF, traced the growth of the bamboo programme of BAIF to the early 80’s when it was planted on the periphery of wadi plantations and considered a poor man’s timber and which now has been repositioned as farmer’s produce. The meeting was attended by representatives from RGSTC, BAIF, MBPF, NABARD, Department of Horticulture, GoM, DBSKKV Dapoli, ISKCON, Wonder Grass Initiative, MIT, Pune, STRC, Gondwana University, Bamboo Society Maharashtra Chapter and farmers.

BAIF celebrates 104th birth anniversary of Dr. Manibhai Desai

BAIF celebrates 104th birth anniversary of Dr. Manibhai Desai

Dr. Manibhai Desai, a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi and a messiah of the rural poor, walked tall in the development world. His charismatic and legendary leadership in rural development brought BAIF on the international map with global organisations eager to support the innovative programmes of BAIF in dairy development, afforestation, water resources development, tribal development, community health and empowerment of women. On the domestic front too, this crusader of the rural poor received invitations from various states to promote BAIF’s models of rural development in their states and improve the livelihood status of rural communities in those states. Today, BAIF is implementing programmes in 15 states of India and has reached out to more than 4.0 million families from 100,000 villages.

On the occasion of his 104th birth anniversary today, the BAIF team expresses their tribute to their Founder who inspired countless youth to engage in rural development and pledges to continue his mission of ensuring rural prosperity through various livelihood and climate action-oriented programmes for achieving carbon offsetting and neutrality.

Let’s Green Up to Cool Down this Earth Day!

Let’s Green Up to Cool Down this Earth Day!

Let’s Green Up to Cool Down this Earth Day!

BAIF pledges to continue its efforts to green Mother Earth through enteric methane emissions reduction, soil health management, land degradation neutrality, grassland management, promotion of renewable energy, carbon sequestration through agro-horti-forestry and adoption of nature-based practices in agriculture.

Acceleration of voluntary action for achieving net-zero emissions is the goal of BAIF and also that of every responsible organisation!

Remember! We have already crossed the safe planetary boundaries. So let’s bring back Humanity within the safe operating space of planetary boundaries by greening Mother Earth!