Change of Fortune
Mina Rao from Nandapur village, Koraput district of Odisha, owned two nondescript cows which were able to yield only 3 to 4 litres of milk per day. After availing of the crossbreeding service of the cattle development centre at Hikimput, his fortunes changed. His milk yield improved to 8-9 litres from the new progeny. So happy was Rao with the results, that he got his animals inseminated 10 times from the centre under the Kalyani integrated livestock development programme and today, he is the proud owner of three female calves and two male calves. He now obtains a milk yield of 16-17 litres which is sold to the sweet shop at Similiguda fetching him Rs. 12,000 per month. Earlier, he had sold a female cow for Rs. 22,000 to his friend to meet urgent medical expenses. Rao is a contended man today.