Dr. Rajashree Joshi

Dr. Rajashree Joshi is a Programme Director at BAIF Development Research Foundation (www.baif.org.in). She is actively engaged in implementation and coordination of many interdisciplinary development programmes promoted by BAIF since 2006. She is a part of many projects that are introduced by BAIF across many locations and in response to emerging development threats such as climate change and variability, degradation of natural resource base, eroding base of agro biodiversity, traditional wisdom of indigenous communities, feminisation of farming and ill-effects of industrial agriculture and green revolution.


Dr. Joshi is a social scientist, having completed her Masters in Community Development and a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Pune. She is a member of the Apex Climate Action Committee formed in BAIF to take up work on climate action, research, capacity building and for forging partnerships. She is also involved in BAIF-led studies focusing on climate change related vulnerability of small holder farmers, need for adaptation and mitigation interventions, need for resilient and nutrition sensitive food system and gender and climate action.


She has led in the apex coordination of projects on Scaling up of Climate Smart Village (CSV) an initiative by BISA –CYMMIT CCAFS in India, Climate Proofing of Watersheds project by NABARD, Resilient and regenerative farming system and nature based solutions project by HSBC, PRO SOIL project by GIZ and Adaptation project in Himalayas as supported by Adaptation Fund Board under UNFCCC commitment. Being a development practitioner, she is well versed with several multi-sectoral and region-specific climate-smart technologies, services and practices.