Ms. Sneha Shinde

Thematic Programme Executive

BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune, India
Mobile: +91 8208044195

Work Experience: 14 years with BAIF Development Research Foundation, a Not-for Profit organisation with pro-livelihood and climate-smart natural resource management initiatives in 16 states of India.


Academic Qualifications: B.Tech (Agriculture Engineering)


Key Responsibilities, Expertise and Achievements: Implementing Natural Resource Management and Climate Action Projects across India for resilience building of small land holders.  Undertaken studies focussed on climate vulnerability, adaptation and mitigation responses, resilience pathways and Integrated Watershed Development.


Provided technical support for implementing more than 10 Watershed Development and Climate Proofing Projects to enhance the livelihoods of smallholders.


Engaged in field monitoring. Provides proposal and report writing support and motivation to technical staff. Supports senior management in thematic areas to strengthen the field programmes.


Publications:  Two Research Papers published in National and International Journals; Seven Working Papers.


Memberships:  Member – Apex Climate Action Committee, BAIF