We welcome and solicit your involvement with BAIF programmes – through direct participation (as Fellows, interns, volunteers and employees) as well as financially supporting the cause.
Grassroots Development presents a vast canvas of challenges and opportunities for development professionals, field practitioners, technologists and aspiring youth to translate their dreams for rural renewal, into action and themselves get ‘renewed’ in the process. This journey in rural development may be explored at BAIF through fellowships, internships and volunteering opportunities or in the form of careers that promise growth, enrichment and fulfillment. BAIF is also recognized as a Centre for Doctoral Research by Savitribai Phule Pune University for Environmental Sciences and Botany.
The details of engagement opportunities relating to taking up a career with BAIF are available here.
Spark Fellowship Programme: The Spark Fellowship Programme, is a unique opportunity for young professionals to explore the possibility of uniting their educational/professional background with social-relevant work.
Fellows are supported financially for 12 months by way of stipend, during which, they apply their knowledge and skills to issues such as creation of sustainable rural livelihoods, improving quality of rural life, natural resource management and environmental restoration.
The Fellowship is designed to encourage creativity and innovation, foster experiential learning and help young people make a meaningful contribution to society.
Applicants are selected In two cohorts each year. More details on the Spark Fellowship are available here.

Valediction Ceremony of the First Batch of the SPARK Fellowship Programme on October 8, 2011

SPARK Fellow sharing her experience at the Valediction Ceremony of the First Batch of the Fellowship Programme on October 8, 2011
SBI Youth for India Fellowship Programme: The State Bank of India in collaboration with various partner institutes, has launched the SBI Youth for India Fellowship Programme in 2011 to encourage youth to invest one-year of their precious time in rural development. Over the last 8 years, SBI Youth for India Fellows have been placed at BAIF and have found the association mutually rewarding.
For more details, please visit https: //

Launch of the SBI Youth for India Programme on March 1, 2011 by Mr. O.P. Bhatt, Chairman, SBI. L to R: Mr. Riten Ghose, GM, SBI, Mr. Atanu Sen, CGM, Mumbai Circle and Dr. Narayan Hegde, Trustee, BAIF

Mrs. Rajashree Birla, Trustee, BAIF, speaks at the concluding session of the Orientation Programme of “SBI Youth for India” on March 5, 2011. L to R: Mrs. Geeta Verghese, Mr. Y. Sinha, GM, Corporate Communications and Change, SBI and Dr. Narayan Hegde, Trustee, BAIF

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, addressing the youth through video conferencing facility at BAIF. L to R: Mr. G.G. Sohani, President, BAIF Dr. N.G. Hegde, Trustee, BAIF, Mrs. G. Verghese, SBI Coordinator and Mr. Y. Sinha, GM, Corporate Communications, SBI, Mumbai

Fellows of the First Batch of the SBI Fellowship Programme, participate in the seminar on “Role of Youth in Nation Building” held in August 2011

Mrs. Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chairman, State Bank of India, was the Chief Guest at the Second Cohort of the SBI Programme 2014-15 hosted by BAIF on September 8, 2014 in Pune. Also present were Ms. Lise Grandt, United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in India, Mrs. A. Kant, Deputy MD, SBI, Corporate Office, Mumbai, Mrs. G. Verghese, Coordinator, Mr. G.G. Sohani, President and Dr. N.G. Hegde, Trustee, BAIF
Interns deputed to BAIF from leading Science and Management Institutes, have benefitted from the field learnings, interactions with Scientists, Development Strategists and Rural Community Leaders, helping them to enrich their knowledge and obtain good exposure. Students with a specific objective of taking up internship in Natural Resources Management, Rural Livelihoods and Community Development and ability to cover their expenses, are welcome to associate with BAIF for a period of 1- 6 months.
For specific enquiries, write to
We invite professionals and individuals committed to rural rejuvenation, to devote some amount of their spare time to BAIF field programmes. Volunteering with BAIF promises to be a stimulating experience as it will ensure personally contributing to community development.
For specific enquiries, write to