Raosaheb Kote

Senior Thematic Programme Executive

BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune, India

Work Experience: 26 years in Natural Resources Management

Email: rc.kote@baif.org.in     Mobile: +91 8668724252

Significant Contributions

  • Capacity building of Project teams
  • Monitoring and Coordinating the Natural Resources Management Programme at Pan-India level.
  • Designing Concept Papers and Proposals on Water-Energy-Agriculture nexus; Drinking Water; Soil for Climate Resilience; Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.
  • Implemented Integrated Water Resources Management Projects supported by NABARD, Governments and Corporates under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
  • Coordinated the ‘ProSoil’ Programme on 10,000 hectare landscape supported by GIZ.

International Experience

  • Coordinated Knowledge Exchange and Trained participants from Ethiopia on Soil Health Management;
  • Visited Ethiopia and Kenya for Knowledge Exchange.
  • Visited Israel to study Water Management Technologies and Agriculture
  • Attended a one-month training course on Rural Management skills in the United Kingdom.
  • Attended and presented the BAIF ‘ProSoil’ Project at UNCCD/COP – UNCCD-COP14: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification held in New Delhi.
  • Attended Regional Workshop on “Advancing collaborative springshed management in the HKH” organised by ICIMOD in Nepal, Kathmandu.

Publications and Memberships

Four Papers published in International and National Journals

Associated with 4 per 1000 initiative