Success with Banana Crop

Jul 26, 2022

Dhirendrabhai Desai is a progressive farmer from Panetha village in Bharuch district of Gujarat and a beneficiary of the “Krishi Vigyan Kendra” (KVK) at Chaswad. Earlier, he used to cultivate banana crop using traditional methods of cultivation which used to yield one harvest only. However, after hearing about the successful experience of other farmers engaged in banana cultivation using innovative technologies and based on the advise of KVK scientists, he adopted innovative technologies such as Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), drip irrigation and tissue culture. He is the only farmer in the country to obtain three harvests of banana in 26 months. The gross income per ha from three harvests was Rs. 19.12 lakhs while the cost was Rs. 2.50 lakhs. A net income of Rs. 16.70 lakhs was generated per ha in 26 months with an assured net income of Rs. 5.56 lakhs per year.

The demand for his produce has travelled to  the  Middle East.  He  has  also esta bli shed abanana chips manufacturing unit at his village which is generating employment for unemployed youth. There are a lot of areas like Panetha village where water is available in surplus. Hence, banana can be cultivated as a profitable crop in water surplus areas.

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Transforming Lives and Livelihoods

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