BAIF Bhavan completes 25 Years

BAIF Bhavan completes 25 Years

June 19, 1996 – The dream of the Founder of BAIF, Dr. Manibhai Desai, to establish a unique training centre in Pune to impart management skills to professionals and field functionaries engaged in rural development, was fulfilled when Mr. Stanley Gooch, High Commissioner of Canada in India, inaugurated the “BAIF Bhavan” and “Dr. Manibhai Desai Management Training Centre” at Warje in Pune. The Training Centre with its spacious Classrooms, Conference hall, Board Room, IT Hub, Dining hall and Guest House, is spread over 8 acres. Trainings are imparted on Rural Livelihoods, Watershed Management, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Project Management, People’s Organisations and Soft Skills.

June 19, 2021 – This year marks the 25th year of the inauguration of BAIF Bhavan and Dr. Manibhai Desai Management Training Centre. The green cover amidst fast-paced urban development and serene surroundings, have developed a harmonious relationship among BAIF professionals in the premises and a close bond with the organisation. The model Training Centre, is one of its kinds in the country. For the BAIF family, BAIF Bhavan is much more than a structure. It is a part of their lives.

World Environment Day

World Environment Day

“We may adopt modern technologies from the west, but we should never overlook the pragmatic approach adopted in ancient times to restore the eco-system”.

-Dr. Manibhai Desai

Environmental protection has always been the main agenda of BAIF while fighting the war against rural poverty. Following the pattern of earlier years, this year too, World Environment Day, a very important day in the calendar of BAIF, will be observed throughout its operational areas in 12 states, by organising various programmes on environmental security and sustainability on the chosen global theme “Ecosystem Restoration”. A solemn pledge to continue the journey of conservation of natural resources and prevention of ecosystem degradation, will mark the day apart from making dedicated effort to encourage afforestation, prevent environmental pollution and create awareness among the general public who also include the future generations of the country while fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals. 29 years ago, the “Green Cross” was launched by BAIF as its commitment to Environmental Protection and Conservation of Forests. The saga continues.