Anti-methanogenic feed supplement commercialised to BAIF by ICAR-NIANP

Anti-methanogenic feed supplement commercialised to BAIF by ICAR-NIANP

Sep. 29, 2022: 

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (NIANP), Bengaluru commercialised the anti-methanogenic feed supplement – ‘Harit Dhara’ to BAIF Development Research Foundation through AgrInnovate india on a non-exclusive  basis, on September 29, 2022 in Bengaluru. The Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed by Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Inventor and Director, ICAR-NIANP and Mr. Bharat Kakade, President, BAIF, for licencing and commercial manufacturing of the feed supplement. Dr. Praveen Malik, CEO, AgrInnovate, India, New Delhi, was also present for the signing of the MoA.   

Dr. Bhatta highlighted the effectiveness of the feed supplement in mitigating daily enteric methane emission from ruminants by about 20%. Dr. Malik recollected the advisory issued by him as Commissioner, Animal Husbandry, Government of India, to all State Animal Husbandry Departments for adoption of ‘Harit Dhara’ technology.  Shri. Kakade shared the Plan of BAIF in ensuring adoption of this technology across 10 states for effective mitigation of daily enteric methane emissions and thereby improving livestock productivity and for claiming carbon credit achieved through this patent-applied technology.     

The co-inventors of this technology, Dr. P.K. Malik and Dr. A.P. Kolte, along with other senior officials of NIANP and Dr. Manoj Aware, Head – Animal Nutrition and Senior Thematic Programme Executive, BAIF and Mr. Pandit Patil, Chief Programme Executive, BAIF Livelihoods, Karnataka, were also present on this occasion.


Study Tour of NABARD Officials to BAIF Central Research Station

Study Tour of NABARD Officials to BAIF Central Research Station

Sep. 26, 2022: 

A study tour of NABARD Officials from Maharashtra to BAIF’s Central Research Station, Uruli Kanchan, Pune, was organised on September 26, 2022. The team comprising of District Development Managers and other Senior Managers including Mrs. Rashmi Darad, Mr. Subrat Kumar Nanda and Mr. Sachin Kamble from NABARD Maharashtra Regional Office, visited various gen-next agriculture, livestock, energy and appropriate technology-related Research and Technology facilities at the Research Station spread over 227 ha. The tour also included discussions with BAIF Scientists and Domain Experts on newer development approaches, technology options and research areas for achieving the goals of improved livestock, improved and resilient farming system, improved fodder varieties and circularity around waste-to-energy theme. The NABARD team appreciated the action-based research and technology back-stopping role played by BAIF scientists to improve the livelihood of farmers.

These advanced Research and Technology-related Projects are being implemented by BAIF in partnership with NABARD in various parts of the country, for ensuring positive change in the lives of 31,33,000 families belonging to socio-economically weaker sections of the society.


World Bamboo Day Celebrated

World Bamboo Day Celebrated

Sep. 18, 2022: 

World Bamboo Day was celebrated on September 18, 2022 at Gangangaon village in Dahanu, Palghar district of Maharashtra under the ‘Ensuring Long Term Plantation of Bamboo for Livelihood Support and Habitat Restoration in Tribal Parts of Maharashtra’ Project funded by SBI Credit Card and SBI Green Fund and managed by SBI Foundation in association with BAIF since 2020-21. Known as the timber for the poor, bamboo plays an important role in preventing soil erosion, supplying raw material for paper and pulp industry and directly providing livelihood to more than 35 million tribals in India. Hence, bamboo cultivation is the core activity for development of bamboo-based livelihood and entrepreneurship opportunities among the tribal community.

The activities undertaken so far under the project include establishment of innovative nurseries for propagation of bamboo saplings in the field of 6 tribal farmers and raising of 12,000 saplings; Plantation of commercially important bamboo species with 100 farmers; In situ conservation of bamboo undertaken on a plot and Natural habitat conservation of bamboo in a private plot. 

The event aimed at creating awareness and sensitising farmers about the plantation, aftercare and opportunities for livelihood promotion through the sale of poles and preparation of bamboo handicrafts and furniture. 54 tribal families actively participated in the event. Mr. Kailas Andhale, Associate Thematic Programme Executive of BAIF, provided detailed information on cultivation practices, aftercare, expected yield, income and potential for value addition of bamboo and the significance of bamboo cultivation for environmental protection. A symbolic bamboo plantation was undertaken and wall posters on recommended methods of bamboo plantation, aftercare and value addition were displayed on the occasion. Mr. Chandrakant Kakad, Mr. Prashant Gavit and the project team ensured the success of the event.


Forage Day celebrated at BAIF

Forage Day celebrated at BAIF

Sep. 08, 2022: 

Based on the directive of ICAR, New Delhi to organise “Kharif Forage Day” at all the designated Centres of the All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Forage Crops and Utilisation operating in the country, BAIF Central Research Station, a AICRP Centre engaged in the development of new varieties/hybrids of maize, pearl millet and B x N Hybridevaluation of new entries through on-station and Multi Location Trials (MLT), generation of new forage production technologies, breeder seed production and Forage Technology Demonstrations, also organised “Forage Day” on September 8, 2022 at its research and demonstration centre at Urulikanchan near Pune. The objective was to popularise and sensitise farmers, livestock keepers, students, industry, policy makers and other stakeholders on forage cultivation and preservation.

The one-day meet was jointly inaugurated by Mr. Ganesh Deshpande, Deputy Director, Fodder Development – Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Government of Maharashtra, Dr. Ravindra Sawant, Founder & Chairman, Trimurti Dairy, Someshwar and Director, Maharashtra Organic and Residue Free Farmers Association (MORFFA), Dr. Ashok Pande, Group Vice President, Scientific Research and Livestock Development, BAIF, Dr. Jayant Khadse, Research Director, BAIF and Mr. Pramodkumar Takawale, Programme Director, BAIF and Officer In-Charge of the Project.  More than 150 lead farmers, dairy owners, livestock keepers and students from Haveli, Daund and Shirur clusters of Pune district participated in the technical deliberations. Mr. Takawale provided an overview of the theme and objective of the meet. Mr. Ganesh Deshpande highlighted the schemes on fodder development and its preservation promoted by the Government of Maharashtra. Dr. Ravindra Sawant shared the experience of Trimurti Dairy in successful dairy business, production of quality milk and the benefits from BAIF’s technical inputs in livestock production. Dr. Ashok Pande emphasised on the use of advanced technologies in fodder production to meet the growing demand of green fodder and to make dairy enterprise a profitable business.

The Technical Sessions focussed on Green Fodder Production: Role and its importance in Dairy, Animal Nutrition and Ethno Veterinary Medicine (EVM). Mr. Takawale informed the participants about fodder crops and their varieties, fodder production technologies for deriving maximum green fodder, year-round green fodder production models and diverse fodder preservation techniques. Dr. Manojkumar Aware, Head – Animal Nutrition, BAIF, highlighted the role of animal nutrition, feeds, concentrates and mineral mixture to maintain animal health, increase milk production, value addition of different roughages and their use during fodder scarcity. Mr. Sadashiv Nimbalkar, Senior Thematic Programme Executive and EVM Coordinator, BAIF, elaborated on the use of EVM for treatment of Mastitis and other related diseases in cattle while providing information on identification of plant species, preparation of medicine and its application for healing of animals.

A field visit was organised to the fodder varieties established in the Golden Jubilee Forage Garden, Azolla Production Unit and Spineless Cactus demonstration plot. The participants expressed satisfaction about the knowledge gained from BAIF’s experience in fodder development and technology transfer during this meet.

56th Foundation Day of BAIF Celebrated at Urulikanchan, Pune

56th Foundation Day of BAIF Celebrated at Urulikanchan, Pune

Aug 24, 2022 : 

“With an all-time high outreach of 31 lakh families in a year and the farm-based livelihood popularly known as the wadi programme also crossing a coverage of one lakh families in 2021-22, enabling the programme participants to earn Rs. 30,000 to Rs. one lakh per year and even more additional income, the year 2021-22 was an year of achievements”, stated Mr. Bharat Kakade, President and Managing Trustee of BAIF. Mr. Kakade was speaking at the 56th Foundation Day of BAIF, a voluntary organisation founded by a Gandhian, Late Dr. Manibhai Desai and which today, is working in 93,738 villages in 325 districts of 13 states in India. The Foundation Day was celebrated at the BAIF Central Research Station at Urulikanchan, near Pune. The Foundation Day of BAIF is an Inspiration Day for everyone associated with BAIF, he added. The climate change adaptation programme has reached 300 villages across different agro climatic regions of the country. New programmes including ‘Samruddha Gram’ (holistic village development) launched in 52 villages with the good support of HDFC Bank and other corporate partners with an aim at village prosperity, Cutting edge technologies such as Ova Pick Up/In Vitro Fertilisation to produce high genetic merit embryos of dairy cattle and taking it to the field successfully, release of new fodder varieties BAIF Bajra 5 and BAIF Bajra 6 by ICAR, work on SNP-Chip for genotyping Indian breeds, mass plantation of 17 lakh seedlings by mobilising support of all concerned State departments and ensuring their survival, registration of Ashwini variety of rice (developed by the farmer Shri. Sunil Kamadi) with Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Authority (PPV&FRA), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare, Government of India, felicitation of wadi farmer Shri. Vinod Bhengra, role model in the area, by Chief Minister of Jharkhand have been the other achievements, he further added.

Launch of three new programmes namely, Jan-Samvad – understanding the needs of the families and responding accordingly which is already in force in South Gujarat covering 3000 families on a pilot basis with a plan for expansion in all the operational areas of BAIF, Jana Adhikar, facilitating the rural people to access and get benefit of the social welfare programmes of Government, and the social enterprise programme – Kisan Mart with a plan to reach one crore families were announced by Mr. Kakade. The other key programme initiatives include, launch of nature positive solutions in agriculture, pro-carbon initiatives through soil health and agroforestry and developing women farmer leaderships in farming. The emergence of 50 farmer producer organisations (FPOs) in BAIF operational areas with the support of NABARD, promotion of strong FPOs under the SAMADHAN Project with Hindustan Zinc Ltd. including the Centre of Excellence in dairy under the same partnership and the success story of Karimnagar Breeders Welfare Association (dairy farmers’ association), which is operating 53 AI centres and achieving an impressive milk collection of 1.5 lakh litres daily were the other notable achievements. BAIF ensured uninterrupted supply of Liquid Nitrogen to all the 4200 livestock development centres and also provided services to dairy farmers without any break during the most adverse situation due to COVID lockdown in the country, he concluded.

Mr. Hrishikesh Mafatlal, Chairman, BAIF, hailed the expansion and development in BAIF in the last one year through the promotion of embryo transfer technology of indigenous breed, carbon sequestration of wadi, pioneering work in natural resource management, launch of the Kisan Mart in Maharashtra and Rajasthan and advised the team to keep working with the principle of cooperation with farmers as the first thing in mind.

The Guest of Honour, Ms. Anupam Nidhi, Associate Vice President and Head – CSR, Hindustan Zinc Ltd., Udaipur reiterated the need to focus on institutionalisation of the development programmes and the four qualities of life as had been advocated by Shri. Arvindbhai Mafatlal, namely “Anna”, “Akshar”, “Arogya” and “Aacharan” for food security, digitalisation of technology, growth at the cluster level through farmer producer organisations, including women in technology development and operating agriculture as a business. Guest of Honour, Shri. Rajesh Parjane, Chairman of Godavari Khore Namdeorao Parjane Patil taluka Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Sangh Maryadit, Kopargaon, highlighted the long association between BAIF and Godavari Milk Union. The Chief Guest, Mr. G.S. Rawat, Chief General Manager, NABARD, emphasised the strong collaboration between BAIF and NABARD and the milestone wadi programme with BAIF which has created an impact and the future attention on agriculture and rural development and reiterated the need to keep the community connect intact and to make use of digital technology while nurturing the ecology and emphasised on data generation authenticity an data analytics.

Mr. Kishor Chaukar, Trustee, BAIF, identified ability to develop and contribute significantly to science and development which he said was the basis of human development, use of one’s knowledge and science and technology for the country as the three learnings provided by BAIF. Mr. Girish Sohani, Principal Adviser and Trustee, hailed the impact of the cattle development in reaching lakhs of families, the wadi programme in being implemented in several states and being replicated in more than 20 states with the support of NABARD and the progress towards the future through the promotion of Integrated Renewable Energy and Sustainable Agriculture (IRESA).

The “Dr. Manibhai Desai Gaurav Puraskar” and “Smt.Vijaya Deshmukh Memorial Award” for “Best Self Help Group in BAIF Programmes” was awarded to “Samarth Women’s Group”, Kaprada, Valsad, Gujarat. “Maa Tapti Women’s Group” from Betul, Madhya Pradesh was awarded “Smt. Vijaya Deshmukh Memorial Award” for the “Second Best Self Help Group in BAIF Programmes” and the “Smt. Vijaya Deshmukh Memorial Award” for the Best Self Help Group in Maharashtra was given to “Saheli Women’s Group” from Amravati district, Maharashtra. The other awards included Best Agriculture Farmer to Mr. Gova Raam, Barmer, Rajasthan, Mr. Sunil Kamadi, Jawhar, Palghar, Maharashtra for developing Ashwini rice variety, Best Woman Farmer to Ms. Mamta Devi, Munger, Bihar, Best Dairy Farmer to Ravindra Pharate, Shirur, Pune, Highest No. of AIs by cattle development centre worker – Balasaheb Khedekar, Urulikanchan, Maharashtra; Best Cattle Development Multi Activity Centre worker Anil Kumar Mishra from Balangir, Odisha and G. Upender from Peddasuraram, Telangana for highest number of conventional semen and sorted semen inseminations.

The BAIF and BAIF Livelihoods Annual Reports, Research Report, 4 books on Agrobiodiversity Conservation and 2 books on Azolla were also released on the occasion. Felicitation of meritorious students, awards to Best Scientific Papers and Case Studies, Research Team and Best Farm Workers at Urulikanchan were the other award categories.

Earlier, Dr. Ashok Pande, Group Vice President (Scientific Research and Livestock Development), BAIF, delivered the welcome address. Dr. Jayant Khadse, Research Director, BAIF, proposed the vote of thanks. Shri. Shrinivas Kulkarni, Group Vice President – Finance, Shri. Sujit Gijare, Group Vice President – Human Resources and Administration, Shri. Alok Juneja, Vice President (Programmes and Livestock Development), Dr. Rajashree Joshi, Programme Director, other BAIF teams from Pune and Urulikanchan and well-wishers and supporters of BAIF from Urulikanchan and Pune were also present on the occasion.

BAIF celebrates 75 years of Indian Independence

BAIF celebrates 75 years of Indian Independence

Aug 15, 2022 : 

The 75th year of Indian Independence – Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav was celebrated by BAIF Head Office in Pune and all other locations in 12 states, with immense patriotism, pride and joy, thereby making August 15, 2022, a historical day in BAIF. 

The national flag was hoisted by Mr. Bharat Kakade, President and Managing Trustee of BAIF at the Head Office in Pune today after a ceremonial guard of honour by the security personnel of the head office. Also present on the occasion were Mr. Shrinivas Kulkarni, Group Vice President – Finance, Mr. Sujit Gijare, Group Vice President – HR and Administration, Mr. Babasaheb Pakhare, Chief Thematic Programme Executive, Ms. Rasika Mendhekar, Mr. Mayor Sarode, Ms. Sucharita Dhar, Mr. Prashant Dudhade, Ms. Manasi Chiplunkar, Mr. Avinash Shinde and other administrative staff. 

A feeling of kinship and a pledge to continue contributing to nation building, was the spirit of the celebration at the BAIF Head Office and all the other offices located in the North, South, East and West Regions today.      

New fodder varieties evolved by BAIF

New fodder varieties evolved by BAIF

Jul 13, 2022 : 

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India notified and released BAIF-evolved fodder crop varieties of Pearl millet namely BAIF Bajra-5 and BAIF Bajra-6, as suitable for cultivation in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh vide their Notification of July 13, 2022.

Institutional Collaborative Meeting – BAIF and ICAR-IGFRI

Institutional Collaborative Meeting – BAIF and ICAR-IGFRI

Jul 12, 2022 : 

BAIF Senior Management headed by Mr. Bharat K. Kakade, President, and comprising of Dr.  Ashok Pande, Group Vice President, Scientific Research and Livestock Development, Dr. Raviraj Jadhav, Programme Director and Regional Director – BAIF Livelihoods North , Mr. Pramodkumar Takawale, Programme Director, Agricultural Research, Dr. Vitthal Kauthale, Senior Thematic Programme Executive and Shri. Vinay K. Mishra, Additional Chief Programme Executive, BISLD UP, had discussions with Dr. Amaresh Chandra, Director, ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi and senior scientists of IGFRI on collaborative research and technology transfer including holistic development in Bundelkhand Region. The BAIF team visited various demonstration models on Silvipasture, Hortipasture and Forage Technology and the Plant-Animal Relationship and Farm Machinery and Post-harvest technology divisions.   The team also interacted with Dr. A. Arunachalam, Director, ICAR-Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi. 

Visit of Secretary, MoTA to Model Village Development in Gujarat

Visit of Secretary, MoTA to Model Village Development in Gujarat

Jun 18, 2022 : 

The “Sansad Adarsh Village Development Project” at Mal Samot, Dediapada in Narmada district, was in the limelight when a high-level team of officials from the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India and Government of Gujarat visited the village. The Mission comprised of the Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GoI, Mr. Anil Kumar Jha, IAS, Secretary, Tribal Development Department, Government of Gujarat, Dr. S. Murali Krishna, IAS, CEO, D-SAG, Gandhinagar, Mr. R.S. Ninama, IAS, Project Administrator, TSP Narmada, Mr. B.K. Patel, Schaeffler India – Senior Executive – CSR – Mr. Bilal Kazi, District Planning Officer, senior personnel from Narmada and Tapi districts, BAIF Programme Director (Programmes), Dr. Rajashree Joshi, Chief Programme Executive, Mr. Jayanti Mori, BISLD Gujarat and other senior officials from BAIF Pune and BISLD Gujarat.

The Secretary, MoTA, appreciated the work of BAIF in holistic development and especially in the areas of sustainable agriculture, natural resources management, convergence and skill-based training. He also interacted with the farmers, women and youth of the village to learn about their progress and the problems encountered by the villagers. He also visited Dabka village to observe the functioning of solar-based water pumps for irrigation and interacted with the farmers about the scope of the watershed development programme in sustainable management of natural resources.  The visitors also took keen interest in understanding the initiatives taken up by BAIF in agro-biodiversity conservation and the practices of traditional healers in tribal areas.

MAITRI Project Launched

MAITRI Project Launched

Jun 07, 2022 : 

A MoU was signed between Odisha Livestock Resources Development Society  (OLRDS) and BAIF Livelihoods Odisha for providing bovine breeding and allied services by skilling and deployment of 1500 youth as Multipurpose Artificial Insemination Technicians in Rural India (MAITRI). Shri. Bharat Kakade, Managing Director, BAIF Livelihoods and President, BAIF Development Research Foundation and Dr. Yedulla Vijay, IAS, Vice President, OLRDS and Director, AH&VS, signed the MoU. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha, Shri. Naveen Patnaik while presiding over the programne virtually, acknowledged the contribution of BAIF to bovine breeding and extended his best wishes to the organisation. The Minister, Fisheries and ARD, Chief Secretary, Additional Chief Secretary (Development Commissioner and APC), Principal Secretary, ARD and other dignitaries were present in-person at the event.

Secretary to Chief Minister, Shri. V.K. Pandian, IAS, Hon’ble Minister, Agriculture, Fisheries and ARD, Shri. Ranendra Pratap Swain, Shri. Suresh Chandra Mahapatra, Chief Secretary, Shri. Pradeep Kumar Jena, Development Commissioner, Shri. Sanjeev Chopra, Agriculture Production Commissioner, Shri. R. Raghu Prasad, Principal Secretary, Fisheries & ARD and Mrs. Sujata R. Karthikeyan, Secretary, Mission Shakti, graced the occasion along with other dignitaries.

Maharashtra Gene Bank Programme for Conservation

Maharashtra Gene Bank Programme for Conservation

April 28, 2022 : 

‘Maharashtra Gene Bank Programme for Conservation, Management and Revival of Local Bio-Resources’ was initiated in the year 2014 covering over 142 villages spread over nine districts from different agro-climatic zones of Maharashtra. The BAIF Programme aims at preventing the erosion of valuable genetic resources, ensuring enriched knowledge and their conservation while being directly linked with food security, livelihood and climate change adaptation capacity of rural and tribal communities.

With an aim to document native natural resources and conserve them with the help of the local community that will ensure not just biodiversity conservation but also inclusion of traditional knowledge, the Maharashtra Cabinet approved the Maharashtra Gene Bank, a first-of-its-kind project in India.  BAIF welcomed the decision of the Government of Maharashtra to widen the scope of the Maharashtra Gene Bank Programme and continue its mission of Agrobiodiversity conservation.

A Day of Remembrance

A Day of Remembrance

April 27, 2022 : 

Dr. Manibhai Desai, the Founder of BAIF pioneered the Rural Development Movement in India. Today, it is because of his vision that 4 million families have come out of poverty through BAIF’s innovative programmes of dairy husbandry, water resources development and tribal rehabilitation and firm commitment to environmental protection, women empowerment and community health in 12 states. He also inspired thousands of youth to join the voluntary movement.  The BAIF family spread across various states paid their tribute to their Founder on the occasion of his 102nd birth anniversary and pledged to continue his mission of Sustainable Rural Development.

The Jan Samvad (community dialogue) initiative was launched on this day to commemorate the birth anniversary of Late Dr. Manibhai Desai. The event was held at Dr. Manibhai Desai Memorial Garden at Lachhakadi. Many villagers from surrounding villages who had worked with Dr. Manibhai Desai, shared their experiences and the transformation that had taken place in their lives and that of their villages. This initiative promoted by BISLD, South Gujarat, aims at establishing a regular dialogue with the community to enable them to share their experiences, issues, efforts and aspirations and to understand their perspective towards development, suitable solutions suggested by them and resources to be mobilised. With regular engagement with the local communities, data sets of potential villages and their issues will be generated and the scope for innovation and programme development will be strengthened.