BAIF celebrates 77th Independence Day of the country
India stepped into its 77th Independence Day after completing 76 years of independence. The day also marked the culmination of the nationwide enthusiastic celebration of “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” which was announced in 2021 when India entered its 75th year of independence.
The tri-colour was hoisted at the headquarters of BAIF amidst an atmosphere charged with patriotism, pride and joy. The programme began with a ceremonial Guard of Honour by the security staff stationed at the headquarters followed by Dr. Bharat Kakade, President, BAIF hoisting the national flag in the presence of BAIF Pune team including Mr. Sujit Gijare, Group Vice President, HR and Administration and singing of the national anthem in unison.
While welcoming the assembled staff which comprised of Senior Management, Senior Programme implementation teams and school-going children of the staff, Dr. Kakade made a plea to everyone to make an effort to contribute to the development in the country. This was the need of the hour as he lamented that out of the total 191 countries in the world, India ranked 132 which meant that there were 131 countries above India which were better positioned in terms of progress and development in their respective countries. Against this background, he expressed the urgent need to ensure development in every sphere in our country and especially in the rural sector which is still struggling due to lack of basic infrastructural facilities and attention. He called upon the BAIF team to continue their mission and focus on addressing the problems of the rural poor. Dr. Kakade highlighted the scope for BAIF to contribute to the economic development of the country through sustainable development which can also improve the overall status of India worldwide. He also highlighted the need for suitable climate actions to address climate change-induced issues in rural areas of our country.

Dr. Avinash Deo, Adviser, BAIF, highlighted the scope of the livestock development sector in ensuring rural prosperity and the contribution of BAIF to this sector through its dairy husbandry and smallholders-focussed development. Mr. Gijare highlighted the significance of this celebration for BAIF and conveyed his good wishes to the audience on this occasion.
Flag hoisting ceremony was also held in various State Headquarters and operational areas of BAIF with immense pride and enthusiasm.